What is CBD Oil
The big question is What is CBD Oil? CBD Oil exists in the male Hemp Cannabis plant in greater proportions than the female cannabis plant which is stronger in THC. THC is still illegal in South Africa but CBD Oil derived from the hemp plant is not as it only contains trace amounts of THC. There is lots of anecdotal evidence out there describing the efficacy of CBD and its’ amazing healing properties but we are not allowed to make any claims despite overwhelming evidence to support us. You can simply do a google search for CBD Hemp oil to find hundreds of thousands of websites that can probably explain a lot better than we do.
We have really done our homework on the best CBD Oil available on the market today which is why we are so committed to selling this CBD Oil to you. We know you will feel the difference.
Is CBD Oil Safe?
Always check with your Doctor if you are taking any chronic medication. CBD is well tolerated and there have been very few incidents where cbd has had an adverse effect. CBD does interact with the P54 enzyme in the liver so some chronic medications would interact. CBD oil is a natural product with nothing added if you are buying from a reputable supplier. IF the product is too cheap to believe or if it sounds too good to be true it is not a good cbd oil. Buying a full spectrum cbd oil is always best because of the entourage effect ie the whole plant is better than the isolate which most people sell here in South Africa. Cibdol has one of the best full spectrum cbd oils on the market with added cbg, cbn, cbc and CBDa.