Cibdol CBD Hemp Oil (10ml) 250mg 2.5%CBD

Cibdol CBD Hemp Oil (10ml) 250mg 2.5%CBD


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With 2.5% CBD, Cibdol CBD Oil is one of the purest and strongest organic CBD oils available in Europe. It is produced from the finest organic hemp at our disposal, and unlike cannabis, only produces trace amounts of THC. This ensures that Cibdol CBD Oil is non-psychedelic. Made from all natural products. Content: 10ml

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Cibdol – CBD Oil: One of the best organic CBD oils available

CBD is a non-psychedelic cannabinoid found within cannabis and hemp. It is usually the second most prevalent cannabinoid found in cannabis, and the most prevalent in hemp.

The organic hemp used to produce Cibdol products only contains trace amounts of THC – you cannot get high of Cibdol CBD oil.

Cibdol CBD Oil is organically grown and produced right from soil to bottle. We do not use any chemicals, GMO products or growth hormones at any point in our production. It results in one of the best available CBD oils on the market today, with a CBD content of 2.5%.

Cibdol CBD Oil is a perishable product. It should be stored in a cool dark place, away from direct sunlight – such as in a refrigerator.

Cibdol CBD Oil is a dietary supplement. We are not allowed to give any health or medical advice on the nature of CBD. If you are interested then we highly recommend you to do your own research into the matter.

Reviews From Europe

By Maciej N.

Title : super
Comment : Jak dla mnie rewelacja, jeden z najskuteczniejszych olejów w bardzo dobrej cenie.

By Bertho V.

Title : Psoriasis klachten
Comment : Ik heb psoriasis aan ellebogen en knieën. Na het aanbrengen van deze olie zag ik met de dag verbetering aan mijn huid waardoor de jeuk enorm is afgenomen. De ruwe, geïrriteerde plekken zijn na een paar dagen vrijwel verdwenen. Je moet wel oppassen voor je kleren want je krijgt het moeilijk uit je kleren. Na jarenlang bezoekjes aan de dermatoloog lijkt het alsof ik er nu door CBD olie vanaf kom. Erg blij!!

By Bartosz T.

Title : Small Drops Huge Difference
Comment : When my father got really sick we have decided to try CBD. Soon after we were told he has lymphoma stage 4. His oncologist didn’t allow him to take those drops even if the chemotherapy hasn’t started yet. But he was taking them anyway. When his chemo started he’s never experienced nausea as he was taking the drops twice daily. He defeated cancer after 3 months and there was no sign of it even in his bones which were affected too. Doctors couldn’t understand how is this possible. For the patients like himself it usually takes more than a year to beat it. Sometimes the chances are really low or there’s no chance at all. I know and I’m more than sure that the CBD drops did the job. I keep recommending them to the people I know and who were or are affected by any type of the cancer. These drops also helped me to reduce my anxiety which I have developed after the accident I was involved in 2 years ago. I also started to recommend CBD as wonderful medicine to that problem. Thank you very much guys!

By Sascha P.

Title : Great value for money
Comment : I have tried several CBD products, and Cibdol is one of the best in my humple opinion. They recently switched formulas, an the new oil is more attractive but still has the same effect that I enjoyed before.

By Vincent

Title : Very satisfied !
Comment : I ordered it last month, the package come just 3 days after ordering. I’ve been using it for 3 weeks straight now and am really happy with the results.

By Nick Z.

Title : Loved the oil
Comment : I’ve had such good results with this oil.

By A. B. on 23/Jun/2016
Title : Amazing effects on me
Comment : My mood improved a lot since I take CBD oil. I bought it for my mother, which is undergoing chemo treatment. She says she is having good effects. I would advice CBD oil for everybody.
By E. G. on 28/Dec/2015 :
Title : Shyam
Comment : Amazing CBD oil one of my favorites. Helps with anxieties, relaxing, sleeping among other things. Each individual is different so it may have another effect on others. The key is to experiment with dosage ad types. Love it! Of course ZAMNESIA is quick and sharp, helpful and extra nice with customer service.
By F. N. on 07/May/2016 :

Comment : très bonne production, facile d’utilisation.

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